
Ajax Contact Form

An easy to use Ajax contact form function with inbuilt features to prevent contact form spam.
June 19, 2024
Ajax Contact Form

This free contact form plugin is used to create a simple contact form using Ajax technology and advanced spam protection (honeypot, cookie and optionally Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha). In contrary to most other form plugins, there is no form-builder included.

The features

  • Protect your forms against spam bots using a honeypot and cookies
  • Protect your forms with Google reCAPTCHA v3 or hCaptcha (optional)
  • Protect forms by blocking specific countries which are not relevant for your website (optional)
  • Protect your Ajax contact form with the plugin WP Armour – Honeypot Anti Spam
  • Collect form submissions for all your forms or optionally the forms you choose
  • Responder mail function, send a HTML formatted mail in response to the form submission
  • Using nonces for simple form value validation
  • Works with the default wp_mail() function (use it together with the MailerSend plugin to send emails via SMTP)
  • Options for the email subject and the from/to email addresses
  • You can change/translate all text using a localization tool
  • Translated into the Dutch language
  • Optional: Redirect to a “thank you…” page
  • The form HTML is compatible with the Bootstrap CSS framework
  • Optional: Use the CSS style-sheet included by the plugin
  • Track successfully submitted forms in Google Analytics and/or Clicky

The plugin is built to keep stuff simple. If you need a complex web form or if you need a form builder, please use one of the existing form plugins. To use the “Block countries” feature we use the IP to Country API from They offer a free service and you don’t need an API key.

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。