
Floating Adsense Bar

Floating Adsense side bar allows you to add floating ad bar to display floating adsense or any adnetwork ads on either side of your webpage. These Ads will scroll along with the page.
October 14, 2012

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Floating Adsense side bar allows you to add floating ad bar to display floating adsense or any adservice ads on either side of your webpage. These Ads will scroll along with the page.

  • Provides options for width and height of ad,these width and height are considered when ad script doesn’t contain width or height property.

  • Provides option to set the floating bar on left or right of your website.

  • Note: Use this plugin for ad networks that allow scrolling of ads on webpages in their policies(Google Adsense does not allow scrolling of ads over the content. So make sure that the floating adsense bar is not scrolling over the content).

Floating Adsense Bar Options

  • Width – Set the width of the Ad bar.

  • Height – Set the height of the Ad bar.

  • Float Left or Right – Set the option to float the ad bar onleft or right of your webpage.

  • AdScript Code – Paste the ad script code of any adservice network, it can be google adsense, adbrite,chitika or any network.If you want toplace multiple ads in floating bar,then add multiple div tags with width and height inside this adscript code and place your ad code inside these div tags.

Ex of Multiple ads:

<div width="125px";height= "125px";> <!--adcode here--> </div> <div width="125px";height= "125px";> <!--adcode here--> </div> <div width="125px";height= "125px";> <!--adcode here--> </div> <div width="125px";height= "125px";> <!--adcode here--> </div>
此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。