
Disable All Update & Notification

A plugin to disable all WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates, and remove update notifications.
May 27, 2024
Disable All Update & Notification

The “Disable All Update & Notification” plugin offers a comprehensive solution for WordPress users seeking to manage their update processes across multiple environments seamlessly. By implementing this plugin, administrators can effectively disable all WordPress updates, including those for the core, plugins, and themes. This functionality proves particularly beneficial for individuals managing various environments, such as live and staging servers, where update synchronization is crucial but independent updates are undesirable.

Moreover, this plugin goes beyond mere update suppression by eliminating update notifications altogether. Users can rest assured that their WordPress installations remain static across different environments without the distraction of update prompts.

Features – Disables WordPress core updates, ensuring stability and consistency across environments. – Prevents updates for themes and plugins, empowering administrators to control their WordPress ecosystem without interruption. – Suppresses notifications for all available updates, maintaining a distraction-free user experience. – Removes the update menu item from the admin dashboard, streamlining the interface and reducing clutter.

With the “Disable All Update & Notification” plugin, users can confidently manage their WordPress installations across various environments with ease and efficiency, ensuring a hassle-free experience for administrators and users alike.

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。