
Collect reviews integration plugin

The plugin integrate your WooCommerce shop to Collect Reviews.
December 25, 2019

(Collect Reviews)[] lets you collect trusted, verified reviews of your service and products and boosts your sales using social proof. As an independent reviews service, Collect Reviews offers solutions to automatically reach out to all of your customers following transactions and collect both Company and Product reviews, as well as the widgets and integrations to market your scores and ratings directly on your website. We collect all reviews, moderate the content for compliance with our review guidelines, and publish them directly on your dedicated Certificate Page.

This plugin offers a lightweight and simple solution to integrate with the services from Collect Reviews. Upon installing the plugin, it automatically send the necessary transaction information for Collect Reviews to request reviews from your customers. The transaction information include details regarding the transaction (Order ID, Products) and the customer who needs to be contacted for a review of that transaction (Customer Name, Customer Email).

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。