
Chat Plus – Unofficial Addon to disable chat on page and more

Unofficial Addon for Facebook Customer Chat. Added useful functions including disable chat in some pages, css class for CTA button to show chat, auto …
May 12, 2021

Unofficial Addon for Facebook Customer Chat. Added useful functions including: – disable Facebook chat widget completely in specific page (through metabox setting in page/post editor) – css class for CTA button to show/open Facebook chat conversation – auto show/open Facebook chat after delay (With option to only show once in one session) – shake Facebook chat conversation window to get more attraction and increase conversion. – hide the Facebook chat widget until action complete/reach certain element in page (coming soon…) – custom automatic chatting, greeting, reply bot (coming soon…) – conversation SMS forwarding (coming soon premium service…)

Interested in the coming soon features or have feature request? Submit a ticket in Support Page, and we will prioritize development of high demand features or include features requested.

if you find the addon helpful, please leave a review. And if you want to support the development of this free plugin, donate to us through PayPal.. If you wish to financially charter us for the development of plugins, please send your request to

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。