Perbanyak fitur situs Anda dengan plugin

Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan ribuan plugin.

22 外掛程式
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    Disable Password Reset
    by H3llas
    Enhance security of your blogs by preventing password reset over email function.
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    Customizer Reset - Export & Import
    by David Vongries
    Reset, export, and import your WordPress Customizer settings with just one click of a button.
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    Reset Customizer
    by Webd Ltd
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    Reset Meta Box Positions
    by David Gwyer
    Reset the meta box positions on admin post editor screen for all post types, including custom post types.
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    Bulk Password Reset
    by Ruben Woudsma
    Bulk Password Reset is a tool which can help you do a bulk password reset on all the users or just specific users within a category.
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    by Smartzminds
    The 'Reset Database Plugin,' a product of expert WordPress Plugin Development, allows you to reset your website to its factory settings, inc …
    為何這個外掛程式與 不相容?
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    一介資男(Mxp.TW) 開發工具箱
    by Chun
    此外掛為 Chun (Mxp.TW) 開發常用外掛整理之批次安裝工具
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    User Password Reset
    by Syed Umair Hussain Shah
    Reset all and selected users password and also search user by role
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    Disable Password Reset Extended
    by Pascal Meunier
    This plugin is used to completely disable the built-in password reset feature in WordPress. Used for high-security purpose ONLY.
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    New User Password Reset
    by Jonathan Christopher
    Automatically issue a password reset when creating new Users
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    Reset Button for ACF
    by Dimchtz
    Reset functionality for Advanced custom fields.
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    Force Password Reset
    by Christian Nwachukwu
    This plugin is designed to remind WordPress users to reset their password after certain number of days.
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    Disable Reset Password
    by Renoug Joni
    Disabling reset password function over email of Wordpress and Fix bug Unauthorized Reset Password (0day).
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    Theme Reset
    by Chris Taylor
    Resets the theme for all sites in a MultiSite network.
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    Orbisius Blank Slate
    by Svetoslav Marinov (Slavi)
    This plugin allows you to delete content from your WordPress site/blog.
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    Reset Permalink
    by Benjamin Sterling
    This plugin adds a "Reset Permalink" button to the right of the "View Post" button while editing a post to quickly reset the p …
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    Reset Custom Post
    Reset Custom Post is a WordPress plugin that provides an easy solution for managing unwanted custom post content.
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    Disable Password Changed Admin Email
    by Wild Operation
    Stop password changed emails from being sent to site admin after a user resets their password.
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    Reset Roles and Capabilities
    by Francesco Taurino
    這個外掛僅有一個功能,便是將使用者角色及權限重設至 WordPress 核心程式的預設值。外掛執行並達成目的後,便會自動停用。
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    Randomize Password
    by Usman Ali Qureshi
    This plugin will help you to change the password for users depending on the schedule in settings (only set by administrators) of the plugin.