

14 外掛程式
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    Elementor Syntax Highlighter
    by Peter Ajtai, Solid Digital
    An Elementor widget to add syntax highlighting to your sight with PrismJS.
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    AH Code Highlighter
    by Andreas Hecht
    The easiest to use code highlighting ever. Choose between 8 different color themes to highlight your code snippets. Many programming languages are sup …
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    APH Prism Syntax Highlighter
    by Agus Prawoto Hadi
    Bringing Prism into WordPress easily. User-friendly GUI, support both classic editor and block editor. Support tab & back-tab in the code editor.
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    Prism Syntax Highlighter for WordPress
    by Nicolas Jonas
    Most lightweight, yet most configurable and advanced PrismJS WordPress integration plugin. Custom fields display (detached) supported.
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    Easy Prism Syntax Highlighter
    by Dmitriy Belyaev
    Highlight programming code with Prism.JS script easily.
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    WP Prism Syntax Highlighter
    by Lea Verou (Prism), Truchot Guillaume (WordPress Plugin)
    A lightweight and convenient plugin to integrate Prism Syntax Highlighter into WordPress.
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    Melonpan Block - Code
    by melonpan
    Block to display code, with highlighted syntax, which can be copied to the clipboard.
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    Alkane Code
    by Alkane Solutions Ltd
    A TinyMCE code editor with Prism syntax highlighting.
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    WooCommerce Prism
    by Prismapp.io
    WooCommerce Prism is a plugin to integrate Prism with WooCommerce.
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    WP PrismJS - Syntax Highlighter
    by Anthony Da Mota
    Highlight your code on WordPress with WP PrismJS !
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    Prism Syntax Highlighter (detached)
    by Jannik Zschiesche
    Adds Prism Syntax Highlighting to WordPress, using custom fields for your code examples.
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    Prism Syntax Highlighter
    by Dev7studios
    Prism is a new lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind, by
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    Syntax Highlighter with PrismJS
    by Mohamad Wael El Kurdi
    A syntax highlighter using PrismJs.
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    Prism Warning
    by Lukas Fülling
    This Plugin shows a warning, when the visitors browser was made by a prism-contributing company.