Plugins you need to get your projects done
59 外掛程式
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    Multiple Domain
    by goINPUT IT Solutions
    這個外掛能讓網站管理員設定一個對應多個網域名稱的 WordPress 網站,並針對個別網域名稱啟用自訂重新導向。
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    Multi Image Metabox
    by Willy bahuaud
    Add a multi-image metabox to your posts, pages and custom post types
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    Simple add pages or posts
    by Simon Dirlik, Ramon Fincken
    Plugin to simply add multiple posts or pages at once by entering their titles. Handy tool if you have a new blog and want to quickly add pages..
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    Fr Multi Bank Transfer Payment Gateways for WooCommerce
    by Fahri Rusliyadi
    Add multiple bank transfer payment gateways.
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    QuickWebP - Compress / Optimize Images & Convert WebP | SEO Friendly
    by Webdeclic
    QuickWebP is a free and easy-to-use WordPress plugin that automatically converts and optimizes images to WebP for faster performance and improved SEO.
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    Multiple Post Passwords
    by Andreas Münch
    Set multiple passwords for your protected pages so you can give them to different users.
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    Upload Media By URL
    by NoteToServices
    Upload your files to the WordPress Media Library by URL.
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    Gravity Forms: Multiple Form Instances Add On
    by Nikunj
    Allows multiple instances of the same form to be run on a single page when using AJAX.
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    Mass Pages/Posts Creator
    by theDotstore
    Mass Pages/Posts Creator is a plugin which provide a simplest interface by which user can create multiple Pages/Posts at a time.
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    WP Hydra
    by tyxla
    Allows one WordPress installation to be resolved and browsed at multiple domains.
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    Gravity Forms: Multiple Form Instances
    by tyxla
    Allows multiple instances of the same form to be run on a single page when using AJAX.
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    Landing pages and Domain aliases for Wordpress
    by Zondo Norge AS
    This plugin allows you to have multiple domains in a single Wordpress installation and enables custom frontpage or redirect for each of them.
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    Modal Dialog
    by Yannick Lefebvre
    The purpose of this plugin is to allow users to create one or more modal dialog(s) / pop-up window(s) that will appear when a user visits their site.
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    ACF: Multiple Taxonomy
    by game-ryo
    A simple plugin to add the Multiple Taxonomy field. It allows you to select term(s) from multiple taxonomies.
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    Brozzme Multiple admin emails
    by Benoti
    Add more than one email address to a website admin notifications settings. Be informed of new articles or awaiting review of others to improve quality …
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    Weekly Schedule
    by Yannick Lefebvre
    The purpose of this plugin is to allow users to create a schedule of weekly events and display that schedule on a page in a table form.
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    Fr Address Book For Woocommerce
    by Fahri Rusliyadi
    Allow customers to save multiple addresses that they frequently use when placing an order.
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    Multiple Domains with Analytics
    by Danny Casady
    The Multiple Domains with Analytics plugin allows Wordpress to be mirrored across multiple domain names. This requires your DNS settings to be configu …
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    WP Multi Author
    by aagjalpankaj
    One post, multiple contributors!
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    Region City Landing Pages Builder
    by Sudhir Puranik
    Build Multiple Geographically Targeted Landing Pages Quickly Using Generic Text & Automatically Inserted City Names.