Plugins you need to get your projects done
149 外掛程式
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    Loco Translate
    by Tim Whitlock
    直接在瀏覽器中為 WordPress 的外掛及佈景主題進行本地化。
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    by WP SYNTEX
    Go multilingual in a simple and efficient way. Keep writing posts and taxonomy terms as usual while defining their languages all at once.
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    Translate WordPress - Google Language Translator
    by Translate AI Multilingual Solutions
    Translate WordPress with Google Language Translator multilanguage plugin which allows to insert Google Translate widget anywhere on your website.
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    Translate WordPress and go Multilingual - Weglot
    by Weglot Translate team
    Translate your WordPress website in 110+ languages within minutes with Weglot Translate, without any coding.
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    ConveyThis Language Translator - 翻譯 WordPress 網站內容
    by ConveyThis Translate Team
    ConveyThis Language Translator - 翻譯 WordPress 網站內容, increase global traffic and boost website sales. 100% compatible with WooCommerce and complie …
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    Theme and plugin translation for Polylang (TTfP)
    by Marcin Kazmierski
    Theme and plugin translation using Polylang for WordPress. Extension for Polylang plugin.
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    Ray Enterprise Translation
    by Ray Enterprise and Frédéric Demarle
    Convenient cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress.
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    WPBakery Visual Composer & qTranslate-X
    by qTranslate Team
    Enables multilingual framework for plugin "WPBakery Visual Composer".
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    Admin Locale
    by Louy Alakkad
    This plugin allows you to change the language of the admin panel without changing the whole site language.
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    by Takayuki Miyoshi
    簡單易用的多語系外掛。不再需要在資料庫中建立大量自訂資料表,或是隱藏將來會造成極大困擾的 HTML 註解。
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    BuddyPress Multilingual
    by OnTheGoSystems
    BuddyPress Multilingual allows BuddyPress and BuddyBoss sites to run fully multilingual using the WPML plugin.
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    Automatic Translate Addon For TranslatePress
    by Cool Plugins
    TranslatePress addon for automatically translate a website page content using machine translation tools without any auto translator API key.
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    Multilingual Contact Form 7 with Polylang
    by Andreas Münch
    Enables string translation and use of the same forms in different languages of Contact Form 7 forms with Polylang
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    Language Fallback
    by Bernhard Kau
    這個外掛能將指定介面語言設定為目前介面語言的後援語言,例如將 [簡體中文] 設定為 [繁體中文] 的後援語言。
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    Polylang Duplicate Content Addon
    by Cool Plugins
    Polylang addon helps you quickly translate by copying all content from one language post to its equivalents in other languages.
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    Flag Icons
    by Vasilis Triantafyllou, Dimitrios Chatzidimitriou
    Flags Icons Language Switcher.
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    Multisite Language Switcher
    by Dennis Ploetner
    能協助網站管理員管理 WordPress 多站網路中的多語內容的外掛,簡單、強大且易用。
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    Hreflang Manager
    by DAEXT
    The Hreflang Manager plugin provides you an easy and reliable method to implement hreflang in WordPress.
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    Disable Login Language Switcher
    by Dominik Schilling
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    Preferred Languages
    by Pascal Birchler
    設定要用於顯示 WordPress 介面的本地化語言套件,並以偏好的順序顯示。