

27 外掛程式
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    Child Theme Configurator
    by Lilaea Media
    這個外掛可以協助 WordPress 網站管理員為已安裝的佈景主題建立子佈景主題,並為子佈景主題自訂樣式、範本及函式等,以彌補外觀自訂器仍未臻完善之處。
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    Child Themify
    by John P. Bloch
    Create child themes with the click of a button.
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    WPS Child Theme Generator
    by WPServeur, Benoti, NicolasKulka
    Create your child theme with options. Customize it many options.
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    SureFeedback Client Site
    by Brainstorm Force
    Provides a secure connection between your SureFeedback parent site and your client sites, syncing identities so clients can use their WordPress identi …
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    Gecka Submenu
    by Gecka Apps, Gecka
    Submenu autopopulates any nav menu page item with its children and allows to put menus, or portion of menus, anywhere in your site.
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    Child Theme Check
    by Torsten Landsiedel
    Warns you about outdated template files in your child theme and shows a diff view of the changes between parent and child theme template.
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    Hierarchical Pages Widget
    by William Lindley
    Two widgets are provided, for displaying a vastly condensed
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    Child Themes Helper
    by Paul A. Swarthout
    Copies parent theme files to a child theme while maintaining the correct folder/subfolder structure in the child theme as in the parent theme, and mor …
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    Child Themes
    by Chris Taylor
    Create a child theme really easily from any installed theme.
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    PS Sub-pages
    by Plaid Sheep
    Shows the child pages of the current page. Configurable title, show siblings (or not), and "no child" text
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    Remove Parents
    by Alekc
    Remove Parents is a tiny plugin which remove "category" and parent categories from permalink.
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    Category Parent Children Selector
    by WenZe Leong
    Helps you in selecting parent-children categories.
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    PJW Query Child Of
    by Peter Westwood
    This plugin allows you to run loops within your WordPress templates where you query for children of the current page.
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    SF Category Menu
    by Studiofreya AS
    Easy treeview menu for WordPress categories.
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    Child pages as boxes with title,content and image
    by Sridhar Bodakunti
    This plugin Set the list of child pages as square boxes in parent page.
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    Child Page Tree
    by Hans-Helge Buerger
    Display a page tree of all child pages of the current site
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    Simple Page Hierarchy Widget
    by Josh Mallard
    Displays the most logical arrangement of Parent, Child, & Grandchild pages.
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    SF Bootstrap Menu
    by Studiofreya AS
    Responsive sidebar menu wdiget for hierarchical pages with Bootstrap 3.0.
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    Child Navigation
    by Dennis Hildenbrand
    Adds support for child navigation to wp_nav_menu()
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    Simple Child Theme Creator
    by Cyrus David
    Create a child theme properly in a single click!