
Lock Down ( Privacy ) for Ultimate Member

A plugin for Ultimate member that allows users to completely lock down their account
April 27, 2019

Do your Ultimate Member users want to pause their account from time to time? Use UM Lockdown to allow them to pause their account with a custom message.

Features * Customizable language file * Custom Pause account message * Ultimate Member 2.0 compatible

Setting up a pause template

  • Create a new page
  • In the body you can enter HTML and/or the code {um_paused_message} to display a user’s custom paused message


  • Create a page to display when a user has paused their account
  • Go to Ultimate Member > Settings and go the General tab then the Account sub tab
  • Enable the checkbox Allow custom pause messages? to allow users to enter their own custom message
  • For Pause Account Template — Select the page that the others will see when visiting a paused page

Looking for more plugins?

SuitePlugins is on the verge of creating some great addons for Ultimate Member. Here are a few that you may want to check out

  • Ultimate Member Advanced Search – Create a super fast advanced search for Ultimate Member.
  • GalleryMost Popular An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.
  • Events
  • Classifieds – Easy to use market place plugin for Ultimate Member
  • Docs – Let users upload files that can be seen publicly or privately
  • Stories – Allow users to have a journal or mini-blog from their profile.
  • Visitors – Visitors allow users to see others that have visited their profile
  • Relationships – Allow users to select family members and display them on their profile
  • Gallery Lite – An easy drag and drop gallery for Ultimate Members.

Ultimate Member Theme

  • SocialTribe – WordPress Theme built to Support Ultimate Member
此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。