SupBot.Ai has a powerful node editor to create a conversation tree chatbot that can easily engage your passive visitors in a good conversation.
June 2, 2024

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People get information in different ways. Some like to read through a webpage, some are drawn to pictures and videos, and some prefer to ask questions directly. Meeting all these needs is challenging, but for those who enjoy conversations, SupBot.Ai makes it easy. With its simple yet powerful node editor, you can create a conversation tree to guide them step-by-step. This leads to higher satisfaction and better conversion rates.

In SupBot.Ai, you can build a conversation tree using nodes. Each node contains a message and choices for responses. Each choice leads to a new message or question, guiding visitors smoothly.

Key Features:

  • Simple Node Editor: Easily create and manage conversation paths.
  • Custom Messages: Personalize each node with tailored messages.
  • Multiple Response Options: Offer various choices for user interactions.
  • Seamless Integration: Quickly add SupBot.Ai to your website.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Transform passive visitors into active participants.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Guide visitors effectively to increase sales or sign-ups.
  • Instant Support: Provide immediate answers to visitor questions.

By using SupBot.Ai, you can create an engaging and interactive experience for your website visitors, helping to meet their needs more effectively.

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。