
Product Quick View For WooCommerce

Product Quick View for WooCommerce gives gives the non-developer an easy solution to adding a quixk view button to products on your store.
July 30, 2019
Product Quick View For WooCommerce

Product Quick View for WooCommerce gives gives the non-developer an easy solution to adding a quixk view button to products on your store. When the user clicks the button, instanatly they are greeted with a popup showing off the features of the product, an advanced product gallery and the ability to see the product or add to cart. This plugin not only gives you the ability to add a button, you also get shortcode so you can add the button anywhere on your website. In addition to shortcode this plugin comes equiped with developer hooks to replace the standard WooCommerce gallery on the single product page.

A few notes about the sections above:

  • Adds a quick view button to WooCommerce procuct listings
  • Imporoved product gallery available
  • Hide quick view button on certain products


此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。