Improve your WordPress content easily with HelpfulnessMeter, effectively collecting feedback from your visitors.
April 26, 2024

HelpfulnessMeter is your ally to collect valuable information on the perception of your content by your visitors. Thanks to its small voting insert located at the bottom of each post, you offer your readers the possibility of giving their opinion anonymously. It’s simple, fast and extremely useful!

👥 Let your visitors have their say: HelpfulnessMeter’s voting insert is designed to make it easy for your readers to participate. They can express their opinion with just one click, without having to fill out long and tedious forms.

🔍 Instantly understand the quality of your content: Anonymous visitor votes give you immediate insight into your audience’s overall satisfaction. So you can quickly assess the impact of your content and take steps to improve it.

💡 Identify strengths and weaknesses: Thanks to votes, you will be able to identify the articles that receive the most appreciation and those that need improvement. This knowledge will allow you to optimize your content strategy and maintain a high level of satisfaction among your readers.

🚀 Boost engagement and retention: By giving your visitors the opportunity to express themselves, you encourage interaction and a sense of belonging to your community. This drives engagement, keeps readers coming back, and makes it easier to build a loyal fan base.

✨ Add a touch of interactivity to your site: HelpfulnessMeter is designed to integrate seamlessly with your WordPress theme, creating a smooth and engaging user experience. Your visitors will appreciate this interactive feature which adds an extra dimension to your content.

Don’t let your visitors stay silent! Use HelpfulnessMeter to gain valuable insights into your WordPress content and deliver an ever more captivating experience to your audience. Try it now and see your content shine with success! 💪✨

Key Features

  • Global or individual activation by shortcode
  • Compatible with posts, pages, and custom post types
  • Collection of detailed voting statistics
  • Translatable and statistics can be reset (v1.2)

How to use

Simply activate HelpfulnessMeter, go to settings, configure your preferences… and voilà!

Credit Where Credit’s Due

This plugin is 95% fork of WaspThemes’s WordPress plugin Was This Helpful?. Since the “Was This Helpful?” plugin is not actively maintained and not tested with the latest version of WordPress, I decided to take it over and continue to improve.


Great people use HelpfulnessMeter to leave their best review afterwards… and you are great too!

Latest Updates

= 1.2 = * Added option to reset site vote statistics * HelpfulnessMeter is now translatable


  • Improved readme


  • Added a new shortcode


  • Minor updates and fixes


  • Minor updates and fixes


  • Initial Release
此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。