
Taxi Booking Manager for WooCommerce – WordPress plugin | Ecab

A comprehensive solution for effective management of taxi bookings and fare calculations. Integrated with WooCommerce and the benefit of automation.
June 26, 2024
Taxi Booking Manager for WooCommerce – WordPress plugin | Ecab

Taxi Booking Manager is a dynamic WordPress taxi booking plugin that enhances your website functionality to leverage your taxi booking business potential. It allows you to create a fully functional taxi booking system, providing a convenient way for customers to book rides online. Whether you run a taxi service or need to integrate booking capabilities for transportation services, this plugin has got you covered.

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Taxi Booking Solution that Changes the Game

Since the taxi business has evolved in different shapes with time, online taxi booking has become increasingly popular. Ecab has taken your taxi booking hassle creating the taxi booking manager plugin solution for your WordPress website. It is powered by WooCommerce and known by WordPress user as taxi booking manager for WooCommerce.

As a result of our efforts, we have successfully replaced a large number of manual taxi booking systems with the digital data-driven, fastest, most effective, and easy-to-use digital solution. That’s why it is one the best taxi booking plugin in WordPress.

Let’s take a look at the key features that make the plugin more acceptable in its category.

Key Features:

🤝 User-Friendly Interface Enjoy a user-friendly interface that simplifies taxi booking management for administrators and customers.

⏱ Flexible Booking Options Provide customers with the flexibility to choose immediate pickups or pre-scheduled rides according to their preferences.

💵 Fare Calculation Automatic fare calculation based on distance, time, or any custom criteria you define.

📰 Customizable Rates Set up custom rate plans, allowing you to tailor pricing based on different zones, distances, or other factors.

💰 Multiple Payment Gateways Easily integrate with popular payment gateways to offer secure and diverse payment options for customers.

🤹 Booking Management Efficiently manage all taxi bookings from your WordPress dashboard, with the ability to view, modify, or cancel bookings as needed.

🗺 Google Maps API Google Maps API is integrated for route mapping, enhancing the navigation experience for both customers and drivers.

💦 Responsive Design The plugin is designed to be fully responsive, offering a smooth booking experience across various devices.

📧 Email Customization Receive order confirmations and deliver PDF receipts easily after successful payments with dual email functions.

🛒 Customize Checkout Transform your checkout page effortlessly, collecting rider details and departure information while enhancing functionality and appearance. Most of your basic business needs will be covered with the action of the above features but when your business requires more dynamic solutions in terms of meeting the business need and functionality then the pro features will be handy for you.

⏳ Wait Time Option With Extra Payment Offer extra waiting time for users with convenient pricing, ensuring a smooth traveling journey.

📍 API For Autocomplete Of Google Addresses Enhance the booking experience with auto-suggestive address suggestions for customers during the booking process.

⌚ Establish Operating Hours Define the operational schedule for transportation services, or opt for 24-hour availability.

Pro Features (Available in Pro Version):

🛒 Customizable Checkout Field Add, edit, or delete necessary fields for personal information collection before boarding a car or taxi cab, ensuring all needed data is securely stored.

🛒 WooCommerce Custom Checkout Integration Create unique checkout experiences for customers, offering payment methods, order notes, discounts, and special deals without coding.

🎟️ Ticket Confirmation In PDF Format Automatically generate PDF tickets or invoices after bookings, providing customers with convenient and secure invoices for accounting purposes.

🚩 Designating Transport Operation Areas Set fixed area for transport by using google map

🏬 Establish GEO FENCE Boundaries and Pricing Utilize Google Maps to delineate both intercity and intracity zones, along with corresponding pricing

Third-Party Service: This plugin relies on the Google Maps API, a service provided by Google, Inc. It is used for displaying Google Maps and finding distance. Please note that your usage of this plugin constitutes acceptance of Google’s terms and policies.

Link to Google Maps API: For more information about the Google Maps API, visit: Google Maps API Link

Terms of Use: Review the Google Maps API terms of use: Google Maps API Terms of Use Link

Privacy Policy: Understand how Google handles your data through the Maps API: Google Privacy Policy Link

Legal Protection

This transparency is crucial for legal protection. By using this plugin, you acknowledge and accept the reliance on the Google Maps API. Review the terms of use and privacy policy for both this plugin and the Google Maps API to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the services and how your data is handled.

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。