DL-MENU is a GUI component that generates a tab menu based on your pages. Color scheme your whole website using the Adobe Kuler API. Version 1.1: 1.
March 17, 2009

The DL-MENU is a GUI component that generates a tab menu based on the pages you’ve created in WordPress. It also allows you to dynamically change the colorscheme of your whole website.

For this I’ve created a tool that connects to the Adobe Kuler API and downloads a bunch of color schemes that you can choose from. The whole Tab menu is customizable from font size to tab shadows and also support Video Ads instead of an header image.

The DL-MENU works together with the DL-Theme which is located in the ‘copy’ directory inside the plugin.

The DL-Theme is based on the Kubrick theme, the big difference is that it supports AJAX.

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。