أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

10 个插件
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    WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes and Shipping Labels
    Generate and print PDF invoices, packing lists/packing slips, delivery notes and shipping labels for your WooCommerce orders.
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    PeproDev Ultimate Invoice
    作者Pepro Dev. Group
    The Most Advanced Invoice Plugin you were looking for! Create HTML/PDF Invoices of WooCommerce Orders, Attach PDF Invoice to Mail and Let customers do …
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    WooCommerce PDF Invoice Builder, Create invoices, packing slips and more
    Create WooCommerce pdf invoices, packing slips, certificates and more, customized them as you want them with the best drag-drop builder.
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    Woo Invoices - Quotes and Invoices
    作者Sliced Invoices
    An extension for Woocommerce that allows you to automatically create invoices & quotes from your Woocommerce orders.
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    Invoice Payment Gateway For WooCommerce
    Add an invoice payment gateway to your WooCommerce website - Give customers the alternative to making immediate payments. Invoice payment gateway for …
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    Ni WooCommerce Invoice
    Ni Woocommerce invoice plugin generate the woocommerce sales order invoice PDF. This plug-in also provide the option to filter date wise sales order a …
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    PDF Invoice for Woocommerce
    作者WpExperts Hub
    Automatically generate professionally designed pdf invoices and attach to WooCommerce order emails.
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    PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
    Create, print & email PDF invoices & packing slips for WooCommerce orders.
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    ASPL Email PDF Invoice
    作者Acespritech Solutions Pvt Ltd
    Using this plugin you can send the invoice PDF automatically with the order confirmation mail sent to the customer.
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    Gestix API