

98 个插件
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    Github Embed
    作者Ademti Software Ltd.
    Plugin that allows you to embed details from github just by pasting in the URL as you would any other embed source. Currently supports:
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    Jekyll Exporter
    作者Ben Balter
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    作者Willy Bahuaud
    Use Pastacode to add code into your posts with the awesome PrismJs coloration library. So, past'a code!
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    Embed Block for GitHub
    Easily embed GitHub repositories in Gutenberg Editor.
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    Documents from Git
    作者GIS-OPS UG
    A plugin to inject and render files in a WordPress post or page directly from most popular Git platforms. Currently supported file types: Markdown, J …
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    WordPress GitHub Sync
    作者James DiGioia, Ben Balter
    A WordPress plugin to sync content with a GitHub repository (or Jekyll site)
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    Gist GitHub Shortcode
    作者Claudio Sanches
    Adds Github Gists in your posts via shortcode
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    Embed GitHub Gist
    作者Dragonfly Development
    Embed GitHub Gists into WordPress.
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    Git it Write - Write posts from GitHub
    作者Aakash Chakravarthy
    Publish markdown files present in a GitHub repository as posts to WordPress automatically
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    [正版]A wordpress plugin for canvas-nest.js | 一个很炫酷网页背景效果(canvas-nest.js)的wordpress插件。
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    GitHub Release Downloads
    作者Ivan Ridao Freitas
    Get the download count, links and more information for releases of GitHub repositories.
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    Mytory Markdown
    The plugin get markdown file URL like github raw content url. It convert markdown file to html, and put it to post content.
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    Embed Github
    Embed your GitHub repositories on WordPress.
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    External Markdown
    作者Moritz Stueckler
    This is a plugin for Wordpress to embed Markdown files from external web sources (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, etc) into WordPress content.
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    WP Github
    作者Pablo Cornehl
    Display users Github public profile, repositories, commits, issues and gists.
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    Github README
    作者Jason Stallings
    Easily embed GitHub READMEs in pages/posts.
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    WP Github Gist
    Embed files and gist from Github in your blog posts or pages.
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    Github Ribbon
    Adds "Fork me on Github" ribbons to your WordPress posts
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    WP Pusher Slack Notifications
    作者WP Pusher
    Get a notification in Slack every time something is deployed from Git with WP Pusher.
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    作者Ruben Garza, Jr.
    Download and sync themes from github.com or private github using release tags.