

430 个插件
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    EmbedPress – Embed PDF, Google Docs, Vimeo, Wistia, Embed YouTube Videos, Audios, Maps & Embed Any Documents in Gutenberg & Elementor
    EmbedPress lets you embed videos, images, posts, upload PDFs & other 150+ types of content on WordPress sites without coding & enhance storytelling.
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    [iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dUpTjDqjQoo" width="100%" height="500"] shortcode
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    Advanced iFrame
    作者Michael Dempfle
    Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements, does auto height, forward parameters and does many, many more...
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    Insert Pages
    作者Paul Ryan
    Insert Pages lets you embed any WordPress content (e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API.
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    Advanced Responsive Video Embedder - Rumble, YouTube, Vimeo, Kick ...
    作者Nicolas Jonas
    Level up your basic video embeds! Advanced features, privacy. Use URLs, Shortcodes or Blocks to customize videos to your needs.
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    Compact WP Audio Player
    作者Tips and Tricks HQ
    A Compact WP Audio Player Plugin that is compatible with all major browsers and devices (Android, iPhone, iPad)
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    Embed PDF Viewer
    作者Andy Fragen
    通过 oEmbed 将来自媒体库或其他地方的 PDF 嵌入或作为块嵌入到对象标签或谷歌文档查看器中作为后备。
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    PDF.js Viewer
    作者Ben Lawson, Thomas McMahon
    Embed a beautiful PDF viewer into pages.
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    Code Embed
    作者David Artiss
    Code Embed provides a very easy and efficient way to embed code (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) in your posts and pages.
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    作者Pascal Birchler
    不喜欢WordPress 4.4中的增强嵌入? 使用此插件轻松禁用该功能。
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    PDF Viewer
    作者Envigeek Web Services
    HTML5-compliant PDF Viewer for WordPress
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    Jotform oEmbed
    Add Jotform to the available oEmbed providers to let you easily embed Jotform forms by just entering the form URL
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    YouTube Embed
    作者YouTube Embed
    🎥 An incredibly fast, simple, yet powerful, method of embedding YouTube videos into your WordPress site.
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    Videojs HTML5 Player
    Embed video file beautifully in WordPress using Video.js HTML5 Player. Embed HTML5 compatible responsive video in your post/page with Video.js.
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    Embed Google Fonts
    作者Adrian Mörchen + Contributors
    Embed Google Fonts tries to automatically replace registered Google Fonts from themes and plugin with local versions, directly loaded from your own se …
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    Integrate Google Drive - Browse, Upload, Download, Embed, Play, Share, Gallery, and Manage Your Google Drive Files into Your WordPress Site
    Integrate Google Drive with WordPress easily: manage, share, embed, gallery, and play Google Drive files on your WordPress site.
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    Simple YouTube Embed
    Embed YouTube videos in WordPress beautifully. Embed YouTube video with a URL or shortcode and customize the player using this YouTube embed plugin.
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    oEmbed Plus
    作者Ayesh Karunaratne
    Adds support for embedding Facebook and Instagram posts in Block Editor (Gutenberg) and Classic Editor.
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    Interact: Embed A Quiz On Your Site
    作者The Quiz Collective Inc.
    Use this plugin to generate a shortcode to embed your Interact Quiz, Poll, or Giveaway into your WordPress site.
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    Vanilla PDF Embed
    作者Mike Doherty
    Embeds PDFs in your pages and posts, without using JS.