

26 个插件
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    WP Log Viewer
    作者Maxwell Berkel
    One click enable/disable debugging, clear debug.log, search, sort, and filter errors. See new errors automatically without refreshing.
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    TextMe SMS
    作者Matat Technologies
    Send custom SMS messages from your WordPress site to your customers.
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    Debug Bar Actions and Filters Addon
    Displays all the hooks( Actions and Filters ) for the current request in Debug Bar panel.
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    Debug Bar Slow Actions
    作者Konstantin Kovshenin
    Easily find out which actions and filters are the slowest during a page load.
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    Advanced Bulk Actions
    作者Jesper van Engelen
    Supercharge the WordPress admin panel with additional bulk actions to manage your content
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    Admin Command Palette
    作者Glenn Welser, Sam Mello & Josh Nederveld
    Optimize WordPress admin navigation with a modal window to search for and navigate directly to WordPress admin pages.
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    Stream to Slack
    Send your Stream records to Slack.
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    Dashboard Quick Actions
    Admin dashboard quick action icons and links for WordPress
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    Captain Hooks
    Captain Hooks is a WordPress plugin that provides developers with a comprehensive view of all actions, filters, and shortcodes of their environment.
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    KMM Hacks
    Running WordPress on large scale and stumbling upon various performance issues?
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    Sectors - Conditional Templates & Hooks
    作者Joachim Jensen
    What if you could add templates, actions, and filters depending on the context?
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    External Database Based Actions
    作者Cesar Morillas
    Get data from external database (including google sheets) and do configurable actions based on these data.
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    Trigger Happy
    Connect your plugins and automate your workflow using Trigger Happy - A visual Trigger and Action workflow tool for WordPress
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    Hook Customizer for WooCommerce
    作者Jason Robie
    A WYSIWYG solution for adding content to the majority of all WooCommerce Action Hooks.
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    Plain Logger
    作者Septian Ahmad Fujianto
    Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 1.1.2
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    TS Collections
    作者Rahul Taiwala
    TS Collections provide some usefull Wordpress Customizations, filters, actions to make your wordpress experience more smoother and user friendly.
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    NF Conditional Actions
    作者Jens Brunnert
    NF Conditional Actions adds a action type for conditional messages or emails.
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    Stream to Papertrail
    Send your Stream records to Papertrail for safe-keeping.
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    WP Butler
    Provides a text field in the WP Admin allowing you to jump to common WP Actions.
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    Prioritize Hooks
    作者Jonathan Weatherhead
    Prioritize Hooks allows the overriding of the priority of various filters and actions hooked by plugins and themes.