
Australian Internet Blackout

Displays the Australian Internet Blackout protest on your blog. Automatically adds the necessary JavaScript.
January 25, 2010

The Australian government is proposing to introduce mandatory ISP level Internet filters in Australia. These will operate using a secret blacklist of URLs maintained by the ACMA.

This plugin is to help people participate in The Great Australian Internet Blackout. The protest against the proposed filters aims to blackout websites from 25 to 29 of January.

When activated this plugin displays a message about the protest to each visitor. The message can be clicked away, and will not appear until next time they start their browser and visit your site (i.e. once per session).

More information about the protest can be fount at:

To Do List

  • Add a check so that it displays only during the protest period.
  • Add an admin section so you can make it display anytime, overriding the automatic date checking.
此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。