
Add coupon by link / URL coupons / Add coupon by Qr Code for Woocommerce

Adding coupons by url coupon, so user can directly get coupon applied when they visit a url, add coupon by Qr code
June 28, 2024
Add coupon by link / URL coupons / Add coupon by Qr Code for Woocommerce

WooCommerce URL coupons let you give your customers a coupon link to apply a coupon. Using URL coupons your customers can apply coupons via visiting a link.

Use WooCommerce URL coupons on buttons, images and text. Show them on your sidebar, ads, email marketing, blog posts – basically wherever you can put a link you can put a URL coupon!

Its working

All the WooCommerce coupons can be applied by your customers by visiting a link with coupon code embedded in the URL

Example link:[coupon code]
  • You can change the url coupon key ?apply_coupon= from the plugin setting
  • You can also disable the WooCommerce default coupon insertion field present in the cart and checkout page
  • You can set a different message for the coupon
  • You can set a message that will be applied when user first last on your website with the url, and the coupon is not yet applied as its a conditional coupon
  • Set a message to inform the customer that the coupon is added, but since condition of the coupon are not yet satisfied it is not applied, once the condition of the coupon get satisfied the coupon is applied.You can even describe the condition of the coupon in this message.
  • This URL coupons plugin will work even for the guest users.
  • this URL coupons plugin will work for the conditional coupon as well.
  • Specify product to auto add to the cart when URL coupon is clicked
  • You can specify different set of auto add product for different coupons
  • Plugin also supports Coupon QR code. It will generate the Qr code for the coupon.
  • Option to apply the coupon when a specific product is added to the cart
  • You can assign a coupon to the category, so when a product from that category is added to the cart the coupon will be applied automatically

Add to cart coupon

How URL coupons will handle conditional coupon

  • When the URL coupon has conditional coupon then it will add the coupon in the user session and notify the customer that coupon is added and it will be applied when coupon conditions are satisfied
  • Once coupon condition are satisfied the coupon get applied automatically

Attribute-Based Coupon Restrictions

With the Attribute-Based Coupon Restrictions, you can now create more targeted promotions by applying or excluding coupons based on specific product attributes. This feature is perfect for store owners looking to fine-tune their discount strategies and ensure that promotions are applied exactly where they are intended.

Targeted Promotions: Apply coupons to products with specific attributes, such as color, size, or any other custom attribute, ensuring your promotions reach the right products. Exclusion Control: Exclude products with certain attributes from coupon eligibility, giving you precise control over your discount campaigns. Easy Management: Easily add, manage, and update attribute restrictions directly from the coupon settings in your WooCommerce dashboard.

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。