
oluşturan: Automattic

Poema pays tribute to the revered Portuguese writer and poet Fernando Pessoa and his various pseudonyms. Its minimalist design features a black-and-white color scheme, complemented by an elegant serif font. Poema’s carefully crafted templates boast a comfortable content width and meticulously considered white space that creates a calming and immersive reading experience, ideal for the appreciation of poetry.

It’s our business to help you succeed online

We know starting from scratch can be daunting, so we have clear, step-by-step instructions and video tutorials to help you build an attractive website. If you’d like to skip right to a specific section, click on the relevant link below.

If you’re brand new to WordPress.com we recommend starting here: Getting Started with WordPress.com.

Editing your site content

All the content on your homepage (and throughout your site) is managed through the WordPress Block Editor and can be edited and customized as you see fit!

Learn more about how the block editor works.

Downloading the Theme

To use Poema on your self-hosted site, download and install it from the links below:

Download Poema

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