
WooCommerce Product FAQs

Extends WooCommerce to allow for the asking, answering, and viewing of FAQs in a similar experience as on marketplaces like eBay and Amazon.
Son güncellenme
September 22, 2016
Aktif kurulumlar
WooCommerce Product FAQs

UPDATE As of 3.0.0, this plugin has the following requirements:

  • PHP 5.3+
  • WooCommerce 2.0.0+

If you have ever used eBay’s ‘Ask Buyer’ system before, you will know how this plugin behaves. WooCommerce Product FAQs allows visitors to ask questions about specific products, get answers, and view other threads. It also allows you, the store owner, to manually add questions to specific products.

Click here for a sample WooCommerce product page with some FAQs.

FAQ Notifications

Notifications are in place that will notify the admin of new questions, with links to administer each question.

Notifications are in place that will notify the asker when their question has been answered, with links to view the product.

Each notification email has a system to highlight the question specified in the email, so in the case of numerous questions, the user does not have to hunt for his question.

To Do:

  • Add ajax loaders where ajax is used so the user knows that their request is being processed DONE

  • Consider adding inline registration option to FAQ form


  • Disqus – interferes with the comment_form function. Will hopefully rectify this soon.

  • 404 Redirected – strips $_GET parameters from URL, removing ‘View’ and ‘Preview’ functionality


= Available filters: =

Format: (filter ; filtered variable ; available variables: var1 (explanation [var type]), var2, var3, …)

All filters are prefixed/begin with woocommerce_faqs_

  • admin_faq_highlight_color ; Highlight color in the Dashboard when administering a question from the email link

  • front_faq_highlight_color ; Highlight color on the front-end when viewing a question from the email link

  • antispam_error_message ; Error message when the anti-spam check fails ; $result[‘message’] (error message [string]), posted form (full $_POST[array])

  • answerer_email ; Email for administering FAQs; $post_data (‘question_title’, ‘faq_author_name’, ‘product_title’, ‘question_content’ [array])

  • asker_email ; Email for the asker; $post_data (‘question_title’, ‘product_title’, ‘post_id’ [array])

  • answerer_email_subject ; Subject of administer email; same as answerer_email vars

  • answerer_email_message ; Final adminster message; same as answerer email vars

  • asker_email_subject; Subject of asker email; same as asker_email vars

  • asker_email_message; Final asker message; same as asker_email vars

  • answer_caps; Capability of answering questions

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