This is a shortcode to display current post information.
Son güncellenme
February 12, 2023
Aktif kurulumlar

This is a shortcode to display current post information. For example, you can use this shortcode below quote, so you can screenshot and share easily, your quote and link of the post.


  • Available information to display: POST ID, post_author, post_author_link [+ 1.0.1], post_author_nick_link [+ 1.0.1], post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, permalink, permalink_link, address_bar_permalink [+ 1.0.8], address_bar_permalink_link [+ 1.0.8] TIME now [+ 1.0.2] BLOG blog_name [+ 1.0.7], blog_description [+ 1.0.7], blog_wpurl [+ 1.0.7], blog_wpurl_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_charset [+ 1.0.7], blog_language [+ 1.0.7], blog_atom_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_atom_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_rdf_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_rdf_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_rss_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_rss_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_rss2_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_rss2_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_comments_atom_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_comments_atom_url_link [+ 1.0.7], blog_comments_rss2_url [+ 1.0.7], blog_comments_rss2_url_link [+ 1.0.7] AUTHOR author_description [+ 1.0.7], author_display_name [+ 1.0.7], author_first_name [+ 1.0.7], author_last_name [+ 1.0.7], author_nickname [+ 1.0.7] VARIABLE variableinput [+ 1.0.31], variableoutput [+ 1.0.31] TOC toc (table of content) [+ 1.0.2, e 1.0.3: with link to TOC in the bottom of the page, e 1.0.8 smart link to TOC, e 1.0.28 facility to exclude from TOC], toc_without_back [+ 1.0.3], toc_neighbour_by_id [+ 1.0.3, e 1.0.4 with post title], toc_neighbour_by_url [+ 1.0.3, e 1.0.4 with post title]
  • Add label for information to display [+ 1.0.2]
  • Automatically add meta description [+ 1.0.11]
  • Automatically add meta title [+ 1.0.11, – 1.0.13] Rule: 1st paragraph >= 50 chars? if not, 2nd paragraph >= 50 chars? if not, 3rd paragraph >= 50 chars? if not, 1st blockquote exists? if not, no meta description.
  • Automatically add meta keyword for post improvement purpose [+ 1.0.13]
  • Automatically add open graph and json-ld [+ 1.0.15, + 1.0.17], date published and modified in meta head [+ 1.0.16]
  • JQuery Datatables and tools to convert from spreadsheet to HTML: spreadsheet_to_html [+ 1.0.18], datatable [+ 1.0.18]
  • Hijri date format (Bahasa Indonesia Only) [+e 1.0.21]


Current Post

Testing History

Testing History


[currentpost type=”permalink, post_date”] Result Example: 2021-01-01 00:00:00

[currentpost type=”post_author_nick_link”] Result Example: [bst]

[currentpost type=”post_author_nick_link” label=”This is the sample of post_author_nick_link”] Result Example: This is the sample of post_author_nick_link [bst]

[currentpost type=”toc_neighbour_by_id” label=”1″] Result Example: * This is Heading * This is another Heading * This is Heading in page 2 * This is Heading in page 3 * This is another Heading in page 3

Bugs Fix

= 1.0.3 * Fix Missing closing UL in toc

= 1.0.5 * Fix Wrong URL of toc of neighbour link

= 1.0.6 * Remove space in the URL in the toc

= 1.0.8 * No link to anchor if URL of address bar different from permalink (smart link to TOC)

= 1.0.9 * Add indentation in TOC based on heading level * Fix TOC if post use page break(s)

= 1.0.10 * Change the_author to get_the_author * Fix now * Fix style of link to TOC

= 1.0.11 * Add meta title and description

= 1.0.12 * Fix exact word between title and description from case sensitive to incase sensitive. Blog description as last option to generate meta description, not title.

= 1.0.13 * Exact word move to keyword, for post improvement purpose. * Remove meta title. * Can use both gutenberg and classic

= 1.0.14 * Meta show if only URL of address bar same as permalink

= 1.0.15 * Add open graph and json-ld. Thumbnail taken from featured image, then first image (img src), then image post attachment, if exists. * Fix extract_tags_current_post when handle self closing

= 1.0.16 * Add date published and modified in meta head

= 1.0.17 * Add open graph and json-ld for index

= 1.0.18 * Add Jquery Datatables from usual table * Add tools to convert from spreadsheet to HTML and an shortcode of currentpost jquery datatables

= 1.0.19 * Fix tools (from echo to return) * Fix closing ul in TOC

= 1.0.20 * Add date format ‘Y-m-d-hijriah’, add Hijri to Post’s Date (Bahasa Indonesia Only)

= 1.0.21 * Change date format ‘Y-m-d-hijriah’ to ‘Y-m-d-#’; and add short format ‘Y-m-d-$’ (Bahasa Indonesia Only)

= 1.0.22 * Override both the_time and get_the_time

= 1.0.23 * bugs fix on override get_the_time

= 1.0.24 * remove the_time (the_time call get_the_time)

= 1.0.25 * Change date format ‘Y-m-d-#’ to ‘Y-m-d-4’ and ‘Y-m-d-$’ to ‘Y-m-d-5’ (Bahasa Indonesia Only) * Fix date and time problem

= 1.0.28 * Change, use id=”exclude_toc” on header to exclude it from TOC

= 1.0.30 * use curl rather than file_get_contents

= 1.0.32 * fix mismatch in example

= 1.0.33 * add eval ability

= 1.0.34 * bug fix, bracket

= 1.0.35 * bug fix variable mismatch

= 1.0.36 * add function call, optimize javascript

= 1.0.37 * add string call

= 1.0.38 * fix string call and <> symbol; input as output (event: onfocus)

= 1.0.39 * trim variableinput, enclose variableoutput, dot escape

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