
WordPress Fix HTML5 Validation

WordPress Fix HTML5 Validation
Son güncellenme
May 18, 2013
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This plugin fixes current HTML syntax errors raised due to how WordPress currently returns some links with rel=”category tag”.

Hopefully this plugin is temporary and WordPress will fix this problem.

At present it looks doubtful this will be fixed.

You can read more about this problem by [Searching WordPress for related discussions](””+”category tag”+”rel”+”validation error”)…

Especially WordPress Ticket #22095 talks about what has been fixed (2 problems) and what has been deferred indefinitely (1 problem).

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Why This Plugin is Essential

The following is purely my opinion about this matter.

In most cases, your best option when having Web development work done is to make your payment contingent on the following checklist… meaning you only pay for your Web development after all checklist items are 100% met. No exceptions.

Some diehards in the audience may say Validator code lags standards. True. And I’d prefer adhering to the current Validator code rather than constantly trying to determine which errors and warnings are acceptable and which are real.

Your Web development checklist:

  • W3C HTML Validator – 100% clean HTML syntax validation. Zero errors. Zero warnings. No exceptions, save one. The single exception is one warning, which the validator currently emits if you use an HTML5 Doctype ().
  • W3C CSS Validator – 100% clean CSS syntax validation. Zero errors. Zero warnings. No exceptions.
  • Web Page Test – A score in ever category. No exceptions, save one. Do yourself a favor and skip using a CDN, unless you’re serving huge video files off your site. Even then, unless your CDN supports true streaming (meaning you can move the scrubber bar and the video playback position tracks + changes correctly) you’re better off hiring some to correctly tool your site. Follow this checklist and a CDN will rarely give you any measurable speed increase.
  • Google PageSpeed – 100 out of 100 PageSpeed Score. In other words, all tests pass. No exceptions.

Having “No exceptions” in each case will also require you use a Hosting Company run by Wicked Smart Uber Geeks. I’ve yet to find any company who can tune up a Web server to run as fast as I tune mine, so I run my own “Iron” (servers which I admin personally).

This said, you may have some exceptions. You’ll have to determine which are acceptable for you.

For me, “No exceptions” is mandatory.

Enough rambling.

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