ChoiceCuts Image Juggler resizes images, generates thumbnails, adds lightboxes and enhances image presentation in WordPress.
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October 12, 2010
Sürüm, 12/10/2010
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ChoiceCuts Image Juggler makes all image handling a piece of cake. Stripping images, resizing to Landscape, resizing to Portrait and creating Thumbnails are all handled. A couple of lightboxes can easily be slipped into the process so as present your images in their original glory. Using the new admin screen it is now very easy to activate site wide image juggling. There are several options to choose from.

For WordPress users who are not afraid to do some template customisation, the library of functions is still available to do some great things with images, very simply.

The core aim of this plugin is to make the life of someone who regularly uses WordPress a lot easier, in so far as to remove the need to do any image resizing while at the same time giving theme and template developers a tool to go way beyond the restricted, native image resize options of WordPress. Just upload post images at full size, anywhere within the content of your post, then the plugin will take care of everything else!

The plugin uses the fantastic PHP Thumbnail library by

Plug-in Homepage:

Usage Exmaples

SHOW JUST THE FIRST IMAGE AS A LANDSCAPE BANNER – Get the first image from the current Post and output it as a 480px x 100 px and remove all other images from Post Content.

<< php code start >> the_post(); $postContent = get_the_content(); ccImj_firstLandscape( $postContent, 480, 100 ); echo ccImj_noImg( $postContent ); << php code end >>

CREATE A THUMBNAIL FOR EACH OF 10 MOST RECENT POSTS IN THE BLOG CATEGORY – Get all posts from the ‘Blog’ category and output them as 60px square thumbnails, as well as the post title and post excerpt.

<< php code start >> query_posts( “category_name=Blog&showposts=10&orderby=date&order=DESC” ); while(have_posts()) { the_post(); $postContent = get_the_content(); ccImj_firstThumb( $postContent, 60, get_permalink() ); the_title(); the_excerpt(); } << php code end >>

Full Plugin API

N.B. All functions are technical documented within the plugin code. Read through file cc_image_juggler.php within the plugin install folder for more information.

// ————————————————————————– IMAGE EXRACTION UTILITIES

ccImj_getFirstImg – extract the first image from passed $content, return image file path only << php code start >> $image = ccImj_getFirstImg( $postContent ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_getAllImg – extract all images from passed $content, returns a multi-dimensional array. The returned array contains an element for each image found. Within each element is an associative array as follows: [‘tag’] – full html img tag. [‘url’] – image file path only. << php code start >> $images = ccImj_getAllImg( $postContent ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_noImg – remove all images from the passed parameter, typically post content << php code start >> $contentWithoutImages = ccImj_noImg( $postContent ); ?> << php code end >>

// ————————————————————————– IMAGE MANIPULATION PREPARATION

ccImj_resizeWidthURL – resize image to specified width, pass min_height to ensure consistent image dimensions. Return only the image resize URL, without embedding any HTML tags << php code start >> $resizeUrl = ccImj_resizeWidthURL( $img_path, 480, 120 ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_resizeHeightURL – resize image to specified height. Return only the image resize URL, without embedding any HTML tags << php code start >> $resizeUrl = ccImj_resizeHeightURL( $img_path, 300 ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_resizeWidth – resize image to specified width. Return full HTML IMG tag for resized image << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_resizeWidth( $img_path, 480, ‘class=”special-image-style” rel=”ajax-link-code-13″‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_resizeHeight – resize image to specified height. Return full HTML IMG tag for resized image << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_resizeHeight( $img_path, 300, ‘class=”special-image-style”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_cropLandscape – proportionally resize image to specified width, then crop excess height as required << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_cropLandscape( $img_path, 300, 240 ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_cropPortrait – proportionally resize image to specified height, then crop excess width as required << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_cropPortrait( $img_path, 300, 240, ‘class=”special-image-style” alt=”Your Blog”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_cropSquareCtr – resize image to specified size, then crop a square from the centre << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_cropSquareCtr( $img_path, 60, ‘class=”special-image-style”‘ ) << php code end >>

// ————————————————————————– ‘GET FIRST’ FUNCTIONS

ccImj_firstLandscape – extract the first image from the passed content, resize image to specified width, crop the excess if required and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> ccImj_firstLandscape( $postContent, 480, TRUE, FALSE, ‘class=”special-image-style”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_firstPortrait – extract the first image from the passed content, resize image to specified height, crop the excess if required and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> ccImj_firstPortrait( $postContent, 600, TRUE, FALSE, ‘class=”special-image-style”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_firstThumb – extract the first image from the passed content, then crop a square from the centre and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> $image_html = ccImj_firstThumb( $content, 130, FALSE, TRUE, ‘class=”thumbnail-image-style”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

// ————————————————————————– RESIZE & CROP PASSED IMAGE FUNCTIONS

ccImj_linkedLandscape – resize image to specified width and height, then wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> ccImj_linkedLandscape( $img_path, 600, 200, FALSE, FALSE, ‘class=”mega-banner”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_linkedPortrait – resize image to specified height and width, then wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> $your_variable = ccImj_linkedPortrait( $img_path, 400, 180, TRUE, TRUE, ‘class=”thumbnail-image-style”‘ ); ?> << php code end >>

ccImj_linkedThumb – resize image to specified size, then crop a square from the centre and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired << php code start >> ccImj_linkedThumb( $img_path, 200, ‘’, FALSE, ‘class=”thumbnail-image-style”‘ ) << php code end >>

// ————————————————————————– FILTER ALL FUNCTIONS

ccImj_flexiWidth – resize all images, to be within specified width sizes, in every post. if image is larger than max_width resize and present original via lightbox, or if smaller than min_width resize up to min_width. ** To use this function edit the constant ‘FILTER_FLEXI_WIDTH’ value to be TRUE. Find this at the top of the plugin code.

ccImj_allWidth – resize all images, to specified width, and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired ** To use this function edit the constant ‘FILTER_ALL_WIDTH’ value to be TRUE. Find this at the top of the plugin code.

ccImj_allCrop – resize all images, to specified square thumbnail size, in every post to specified height and wrap it in a hyperlink if desired ** To use this function edit the constant ‘FILTER_ALL_CROP’ value to be TRUE. Find this at the top of the plugin code.

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