Add ability to get posts from over your network sites. Supports widget, shortcode, and customizable original function.
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July 28, 2013
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WP Over Network

Add ability to get posts from over your network sites. Supports widget, shortcode, and customizable original function.

Use the following:

In template

<?php get_header(); the_post(); ?> <section id="content-primary"> <header id="page-header"> <h1><?php the_title() ?></h1> </header> <?php // Getting recent posts the page and post, minus the host blog. // Specify the "affect_wp_query = true", for using the wp_pagenavi. $posts = wponw::get_posts('exclude_blog_ids=1&post_type=post,page&affect_wp_query=true'); wp_pagenavi(); ?> <?php if ( ! empty ( $posts ) ) : ?> <section class="post-list"> <?php foreach ( $posts as $post ) : wponw::setup_blog_and_postdata( $post ); ?> <section id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" <?php post_class() ?>> <h2>【<?php echo $post->blog_name ?>】</h2> <h1><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title() ?></a></h1> <?php echo get_the_excerpt() ?> </section> <?php wponw::restore_blog_and_postdata(); endforeach; ?> </section> <?php else : ?> <p>Sorry, there is no post.</p> <?php endif; # End of empty( $posts ) ?> </section> <?php wp_reset_query(); get_sidebar(); get_footer();

Using as Shortcode

Display with default.


Arguments, can be used the same as wponw::render_post_archive_to_string.

Use your template file, includes 3 post types

[wponw_recent_post_list numberposts=8 post_type=products,promotions,information template=TemplateFileNameInYourTheme]

NOTICE: DON’T include the file extension in TemplateFileNameInYourTheme.

If you want to use your own rendering function.

[wponw_recent_post_list numberposts=5 post_type=products renderer=YourRenderFunction]

To create an archive page with a page.

You create the new page, and write the below shortcode in the post content.

[wponw_recent_post_list post_type=post exclude_blog_ids=1 affect_wp_query=true]


@yuka2py on twitter

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