Connect your plugins and automate your workflow using Trigger Happy - A visual Trigger and Action workflow tool for WordPress
Senast uppdaterat
November 14, 2017
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Connect your plugins and automate your workflow.

Trigger Happy is a visual scripting tool for WordPress, allowing you to connect plugins and events together using a simple user interface.

Currently supports core WordPress functionality, plus WooCommerce and Ninja Forms

Some examples of what can be achieved using Trigger Happy: * Sending emails when an event occurs (such as user registration) * Create posts from the front-end using WP Forms * Calculate discounts or fees on WooCommerce orders * Create WooCommerce coupons when a user fills out a contact form * Change Navigation menus when the user is logged in * Add HTML to a WooCommerce page * Modify the WordPress post titles and content before they are rendered

Conditional execution

Conditions can be applied to flows (for example, ”If User is Logged In”). These conditions control the execution of the ”Flow” they’re added to, allowing you to create complex flows without having to write code.

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