Track & store where users come from for enhanced reporting in Google Analytics, on-site statistics, conversion tracking & more.
Senast uppdaterat
September 10, 2020
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Referrer Analytics

A powerful site referrer analytics plugin. Get insights into types of referring traffic, automated GA campaign URLs, and useful tracking data for advanced reporting, conversation tracking, and 3rd-party integration.

On-site Reporting & Statistics

A powerful tool that allows owners to gain valuable insights into referring traffic. View on-site reporting and statistics with interactive visual graphs and detailed logging including:

  • GDPR & CCPA compliant
  • Date & time users were referred
  • IP addresses of referred users & their geolocation
  • Types of referring traffic: organic, bots, referral, etc.
  • Human-readable referrers (ex. Google, Facebook, etc.)
  • Referred destination URLs & top landing pages from referrers
  • Toplists of referrers, types of referrers, popular landing pages & more
  • Helpful recommendations to block known malicious referrers

Automated Google Analytics Integration

Automatically track Google Analytics campaign data via automated URLs from referring sources — no need to manually generate campaign URLs!

Here’s how it works:

  1. User visits the site from a referring URL like Google
  2. It retrieves & parses the referrers info
  3. Smart redirect with UTM parameters added (i.e. utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign)

When cookies are enabled, last known UTM values and referrer info is stored and can be accessed for advanced reporting, conversion tracking, etc.

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