
Random Excerpts Fader

Creates a widget that takes randomly a number of excerpts from a category of your choice and fades them in and out.
Senast uppdaterat
February 4, 2017
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Random Excerpts Fader

This plugin was developed to display excerpts from random posts in a category. jQuery is used for fading the plugin in and out. It’s a great way for displaying testimonials of clients or just giving a snapshot of content from your site.

Shortcode added as of version 1.4

The most basic use is: [reFader] this will use the default options. Here is an example of all the options in use [reFader title=”Random Excerpts” cat=”23″ type=”post” amount=”5″ length=”50″ duration=”5000″ linked=”no” url=””]

This will show 5 (amount) posts (type) from category #23 (cat). It will show 50 (length) words from each post and fade out/in every 5 seconds (duration). It will not link each title to the corresponding post, but it will link all the titles to this plugins page (url).

Gratispå Creator-paket
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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.