
Premium Posts

Mark posts as "Premium" and display a custom message or ad code.
Senast uppdaterat
May 30, 2013
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Premium Posts

Want to add a special message or ad code to your most popular blog posts? This plugin enables you to do just that!

  1. Install and activate the plugin via WP-Admin > Plugins.
  2. Mark your top posts as ”Premium” using a checkbox in the Post Editor.
  3. Go to WP-Admin > Settings > Reading and edit your premium post message.
  4. Choose to place your message above or below the post content, or place it manually using the <?php premium_posts(); ?> template tag inside The Loop.

This plugin also adds the conditional tag is_premium_post() for use in your theme template files. You can use it to test if a specific post is marked as premium by passing the post ID (or post object) as a parameter.


<?php if ( is_premium_post( $post_id ) ) { ?> <?php echo get_the_title( $post_id ); ?> is a premium post! <?php } ?>
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