Chat with your website visitors in real-time and provide winning customer service.Chat with your website visitors in real-time and provide winning cus …
Senast uppdaterat
April 4, 2022
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The PHP Live! WordPress plugin provides a simple method to add live chat to your WordPress pages. The plugin does not replace the actual PHP Live! system. The plugin is just a method to paste the PHP Live! HTML Code to your WordPress pages.

[ Important ] You must already have an existing PHP Live! system to utilize the WordPress plugin. The WordPress plugin is just a method to paste the PHP Live! HTML Code to your WordPress pages to display the chat icon. If you are new to PHP Live!, please visit our website for more information:

About PHP Live!

PHP Live! is a PHP and MySQL powered live chat software for websites.

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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.