LH Signing allows you to create configurable validated lists like petitions or event sign ups. It is the only self hosted solution in WP
Senast uppdaterat
August 4, 2017
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LH Signing

This plugin is can be used for petitions, events, or any verified list and as far as I know is unique in WordPress.

Creating a petition/list/signup is as easy as adding a shortcode to a post or page (or CPT). From there additional editors are available to configure easch aspect of the sign up. Everything is completely self hosted and all list members become users of your site (not a third parties).

Available shortcodes:

[lh_signing_form] (enable signatories on any post, page, or custom post type)

Unconfirmed signatories: [lh_signing_unconfirmed_count]

Confirmed signatories: [lh_signing_confirmed_count]

Total signatories: [lh_signing_total_count]

[lh_signing_unconfirmed_list] (unformated list)

[lh_signing_confirmed_list] (unformated list)

You can customise the display of the signing form ([lh_signing_form]) via a number of shortcode arguments more information is available here

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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.