
Hashtag URL Placeholder

Create a #hastag linking to your latest post, in a post type or category.
Senast uppdaterat
December 15, 2017
Aktiva installationer
Hashtag URL Placeholder

Have you ever wanted to link directly to the lastest post in a post type / category, with out having to update your menu? Now you can use a #Hashtag inside of a custom menu item’s url. The custom menu item links to the latest post in a post type / category you choose.

Let’s say your readers want to only read the latest post in a category called news. You can create a #Hastag menu item and link them directly to the latest post in your category, straight from your menu.

Gratispå Creator-paket
Aktiva installationer
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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.