Bet matches. You can use this plugin to bet matches with Yours friends. Demo This plugin is a continuation of Bet WC 2018 Russia The Euro 2024 leag …
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June 22, 2024
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Easy Bet

Bet matches. You can use this plugin to bet matches with Yours friends. Demo

This plugin is a continuation of Bet WC 2018 Russia

The Euro 2024 league is prepared in the latest version.

Theme for Euro 2024

Theme for WC 2022 2020

Theme for Euro 2020

= Shortcodes = [easybet_matches] – Show matches from all leagues [easybet_ranking] – Show ranking from all leagues [easybet_stats] – Show statistic from all leagues

[easybet_matches id=”1″] – Show matches from league with id 1 [easybet_ranking id=”2″] – Show ranking from league with id 2 [easybet_stats id=”3″] – Show statistic from league with id 3

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