
DeMomentSomTres Debug Load Text Domain

DeMomentSomTres Load Text Domain - shows debug information on language loading
Senast uppdaterat
March 28, 2019
DeMomentSomTres Debug Load Text Domain

DeMomentSomTres Load Text Domain – shows debug information on language loading.

In order not to break sites, the content is displayed using <pre> tags with style=’display:none;’.

You can locate this messages by searching for ’demomentsomtres loadtextdomain’ inside the code.

NOT TO BE USED ON LIVE SITES – it shows debug information that can break sites display.

History & Raison d’être

We have had problems many times due to translation misconfigurations.

At WordPress Loco Translation plugin support we found this solution.

The second time we use it, at it was an easy script, we opted to implement it as a plugin to simplify deployment and uninstall.

Gratispå Creator-paket
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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.