
Bulk Post Update Date

Change the Post Update date for all posts and pages in one click. This will help your blog in search engines and your blog will look alive.
Senast uppdaterat
August 25, 2023
Aktiva installationer

Change the Post Update date for all posts and pages in one click. This will help your blog in search engines and your blog will look alive. Do this every week or month.

Why Change the Update/Modified Dates of posts or Pages?

With massive increasde in blogs and content, now search engines like Google do rank the newly added or modified content higher than the older one. If the article was published in the past, Google thinks it is no longer relevent and de-ranks that. It is recommended by SEO experts that you should update the content regularly. If you update the posts manually, it would require a lot of effort weekly. If you have articles 500+ imagine how much time it would take you to do manually? This plugin will assist you in this regard and with only one click you are good to go.


  • Update Posts Modified date in bulk
  • Update Pages Modified date in bulk
  • Update Any Custom Post Type dates in bulk
  • Update Post Comments dates in bulk
  • It Randomly distributes dates so it look realistic in the eyes of search engines
  • Select Custom Interval or Date Range
  • Apply on posts from specific categories
  • Apply on specific pages
  • Option to change Published Date or Modified Date


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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.