Gör funktionerna på din webbplats flexibla med tillägg

Lägg till nya funktionaliteter och integrationer på din webbplats med tusentals tillägg.

13 tillägg
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    Display Environment Type
    av Roy Tanck
    Displays WordPress 5.5's new environment type setting in the admin bar and the 'at a glance' dashboard widget.
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    Apex Digital Toolbox
    av Apex Digital
    Too many plugins installed to do basic things? Bring some common functions ones into one plugin to make life that little bit easier for developers.
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    PLX Multi-Environments
    av Purplex
    Manage separate Development, Staging, and Production environments directly from the Wordpress Admin screen.
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    Environment & Debug Bar
    av Medium Rare
    Display your environment and debug info in the toolbar.
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    WP Dev Flag
    av Poodle Plugins
    Shows a floating badge on the front end, to visually distinguish your development site from production.
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    DX localhost
    av DevriX
    Display a yellow notice box when you're working on localhost
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    WP Git Deploy
    av Leo Germani, Vinicius Massuchetto
    Deploy websites using Git and the admin bar.
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    Dev Toolbox
    av SedLex
    Every thing you need to efficiently develop a fresh plugin.
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    Shift8 Push
    av Shift8 Web
    This is a plugin that pushes a single post or page to an external site via the REST API
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    av Starring Jane
    Load assets from your production environment on the fly.
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    NGO Production
    av George Bredberg
    Plugin to create events of the type "Theater productions". Creates a custom post type production with actor taxonomy,venues etc.
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    WP Breathe
    av Joseph Fusco
    Easily identify a production site by making it visually breathe for admins.
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    Environmental Plugin Manager
    av Andrés Villarreal
    Gives you the option to define which plugins must be active for a particular environment only.