Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

41 tillägg
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    Meks ThemeForest Smart Widget
    av Meks
    Easily display ThemeForest items inside WordPress widget.
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    MarketKing — Ultimate WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution
    av WebWizards
    MarketKing is the modern, next-gen multivendor marketplace platform. Build your dream markeplace with stunning UX and powerful features.
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    ACF For Dokan
    av krazyplugins
    Allows admin to create new custom field for vendor add/edit product in vendor dashboard.
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    Feed KuantoKusta for WooCommerce - Free
    av PT Woo Plugins (by Webdados)
    This plugin allows you to generate a WooCommerce product feed to submit to Kuanto Kusta, a portuguese price comparison website and marketplace.
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    Multi-Vendor Marketplace Lite for WooCommerce - Create Your Amazing B2C Multi-Vendor Marketplace Intuitively
    av Webkul
    This plugin converts the WooCommerce store into a multi-vendor store like Amazon, eBay and Etsy. Sellers can manage their stores beautifully.
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    Kinguin API for WooCommerce
    av iLabs.dev
    Integrate your Woocommerce store with Kinguin marketplace. This tool allows you to import games from Kinguin into your Woocommerce shop.
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    List Stores by Category for Dokan
    av Jason Herbert
    Create quickly and easily a beautiful dynamic Dokan stores list by category for your marketplace website built with Dokan plugin.
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    Split Pay for Stripe on Woocommerce | Create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace in Minutes
    av Gaucho Plugins
    Split payments made in WooCommerce stores between a Stripe Connected Account and a Stripe Platform Account.
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    Niz Stores Carousel for Dokan
    av Nicolas
    Create quickly and easily a beautiful dynamic Dokan stores carousel for your marketplace website.
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    MANGOPAY WooCommerce
    av WP&Co, MANGOPAY
    Official WooCommerce Payment gateway for the MANGOPAY payment solution dedicated to marketplaces.
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    Marketplace Items
    av Patrick Lumumba
    Display your Envato marketplace portfolio inside a post or a page.
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    av TalkJS
    TalkJS is the messaging tool for platforms. Add buyer seller chat to your marketplace, on-demand app, or peer-to-peer chat to your social platform.
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    Dokan Store Carousel
    av Sohan Hossain Nabil
    Create quickly and easily a beautiful dynamic Dokan stores carousel for your marketplace website built with Dokan plugin.
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    av AdIntend
    Manage your orders for the Melascrivi or hotype marketplace.
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    My Envato
    av polevaultweb
    A super simple plugin to display your recent 25 items from an Envato Marketplace.
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    av Shopping-Feed
    WordPress connection Controller Plugin for ShoppingFeed - Sell on Amazon, Ebay, Google, and 1000's of international marketplaces
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    Marketplace for WooCommerce
    av WPFactory
    Let users sell on your store.
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    NFT Marketplace and Loyalty Rewards
    av miniOrange
    NFT Marketplace helps you mint and sell NFTs on your WordPress site and earn royalties out of them after reselling.
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    Virtuaria PagBank Split
    av Virtuaria
    Monte facilmente um marketplace, dropshipping ou similar com este plugin. Split de Pagamento, Gestão de Sellers / Comissões e Relatórios
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    Mercado - Turn your WooCommerce into MultiVendor MarketPlace
    av RedefiningTheWeb
    Mercado - A WooCommerce Extension, which convert your store into a Multivendor Marketplace.