
Auto Content Poster for Commission Junction

Automatically post products from commission junction api
Senast uppdaterat
March 31, 2017
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This plugin allow you to get product/link from your commission junction account and post it into your blog automatically. This plugin is intended as a tool for affiliate marketers to add products from the Commission Junction network to their blog.

  • plugin first tries to get product, if its not found for any advertiser then it will get a text link for that advertiser and post it
  • Uses your api key and website id to get only joined and approved advertisers. So you have to provide your API KEY and Website ID (PID), You can get them from Here

Informations about auto poster

Please note that this plugin will enables link manager function in wordpress also.

Additional informations

Plugin supports i18n. If you would like to translate it grab a .po file, translate it and send it to me for plugin update. We’ll be thankful 🙂

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Det här tillägget är tillgängligt för nedladdning och kan användas på din WordPress-installation som drivs på egen server.