
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN

Compress images & optimize images with built-in lossless compression, lazy load, WebP conversion, and resize detection to make your site load amaz …
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June 20, 2024
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Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN

Плагин №1 для оптимизации изображений для WordPress

Smush is the leading image optimization plugin — optimize, resize, and compress images, as well as convert images to WebP format for faster loading web pages.

Команда WPMU DEV была основана в 2007 году и с тех пор пользуется доверием веб-профессионалов от фрилансеров до агентств по всему миру.

Как бы вы ни произносили слово «оптимизировать» или «оптимизировать» — с помощью оптимизатора изображений Smush вы можете сжимать изображения и подавать их в форматах нового поколения (конвертировать в WebP) без заметного снижения качества.

Enjoy unlimited bulk image optimization with Smush Pro.

Level up immediately with exclusive Pro benefits like unlimited image optimization, 5x more image compression, and 123-point global image CDN. Learn more about Pro.

Award-Winning Image Optimizer

Smush has been benchmarked and tested number one for speed and quality. Beyond that, it’s also the award-winning, back-to-back proven crowd-favorite WordPress image optimizer trusted by over 1M+ worldwide to:

  • Optimize images
  • Compress images
  • Lazy load images
  • Resize images
  • Convert to WebP
  • And more…

Why Use Smush To Optimize Images (The Smush Difference)

Smush was built from the ground up to make it easy for WordPress users to optimize images, activate lazy loading, compress media files, and more — whether they’re just getting started, or a seasoned pro who’s developed thousands of websites.

Improve website performance (along with Google PageSpeed Insights scores) with compressed and optimized images and lazy loading — all while actually delivering a better user experience because the rollout of Core Web Vitals has proven one thing: performance is about far more than just scoring well on performance testing tools. Visitor experience matters.

Discover the features that set Smush apart from other image optimization plugins:

  • Lossless compression (Basic Smush) — Strip unused data and compress images without affecting image quality.
  • Lossy compression (Super Smush) — Optimize images up to 2x more than lossless compression with our cutting-edge, multi-pass lossy image compression.
  • Ultra Smush (Pro Only) — Take performance to the next level with 5x image compressing power! Your images will be as light and fast as possible, while still preserving remarkable image quality.
  • Built-In Lazy Loading — Lazy load images to defer loading of offscreen images with the flip of a switch.
  • Convert to WebP (Pro Only) — Use the Local WebP feature to convert and automatically serve images in the next-gen WebP format.
  • Bulk Smush — Bulk optimize and compress images with one click.
  • Background Optimization (Pro Only) — Smush’s powerful image optimization features will continue to run in the background even when the plugin is closed.
  • Resize Images — Set a max width and height, and large images will scale down as they are being optimized.
  • 123-point global CDN (Pro Only) — Ensure blazing-fast image delivery anywhere in the world. Includes automatic WebP conversion and image resizing, plus, GIF / Rest API support.
  • Incorrect Image Size Detection — Quickly locate images that are slowing down your site.
  • Directory Smush — Optimize images even if they aren’t in the default WordPress media library.
  • Automated Optimization — Asynchronously auto-smush your attachments for super fast compression on upload.
  • No Monthly Limits — Optimize all of your images (up to 5 MB in size) free forever (no daily, monthly, or annual limits).
  • Gutenberg Block Integration — View image compression information directly in image blocks.
  • Multisite Compatible — Flexible global and subsite settings for multisite installations.
  • Optimize All Image Files — Smush supports optimization for all of your PNG and JPEG files.
  • No Performance Impact On Your Server — Image optimization is not run on your website’s server to prevent wasting server resources (that you pay for) and is instead run using the fast, reliable WPMU DEV Smush API.
  • Configs — Set your preferred Smush settings, save them as a config, and instantly upload to any other site.
  • И многие другие!

Learn More With These Hands-On Image Optimization & Performance Tutorials

Local WebP — Serve Images In Next-Gen Formats

With Smush, you can take advantage of next-gen image formats by converting all of your images to WebP. WebP is a file format that enables superior image compression and quality retention. All major performance testing solutions, including Google PageSpeed Insights, assess your site’s ability to serve images in these next-gen formats due to the significant impact on visitor experience.

WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPG images. More information can be found in this Google developers article.

The best part: Smush’s Local WebP feature makes this incredibly easy to set up with the ability to host all images locally (not requiring the use of a CDN). Our Local WebP feature includes automatically replacing PNG and JPEG images on your website’s frontend to serve WebP images — with the necessary fallbacks for browsers that don’t support WebP yet.

Learn more: How To Convert Images to WebP In WordPress

Note: Yes, Smush supports WebP conversion for all image formats, including JPEG to WebP and PNG to WebP.

With the best image optimization plugin for WordPress — you can finally stop worrying about the performance impact of using the images you want on your website.

Compress Images While Preserving Image Quality

Image compression plugins don’t have to destroy images with a visible, 30% loss in quality. Smush strips hidden information from your images (that can often be bulky), and reduces image file sizes without introducing a visible impact on appearance.

Smush meticulously scans every image you upload — or have already added to your site — cuts all the unnecessary data, and scales it for you before adding it to your media library. And it can serve images in the WebP format.

Compress Images While You Sleep With Background Image Optimization

Have a large number of images to compress? Smush’s powerful optimization features will continue to work their magic in the background, even when you’ve closed the plugin completely. You’ll receive an email when image optimization has been completed — with a full report.

Compress Any Image in Any Directory

As well as smushing your media uploads, you may want to compress the images stored in other folders. Smush now lets you compress any image in any directory — so that you can optimize all the images on your site — including NextGEN images, images stored on Amazon S3 using WP Offload Media and images in EVERY WordPress plugin and theme package!

Compatible with Your Favorite Themes, Page Builders, and Media Library Plugins

No matter what theme or plugins you use to manage your WordPress media library, Smush has you covered. Check out just a few of the popular products Smush is working with to help make your site faster and more efficient:

Incorrect Image Size Detection

Smush includes a wrong-size image finder. Activate this feature, and your images will be highlighted with smart tips to let you easily resize your images. Quickly locate the images that are keeping you from getting that perfect 100 on your Google PageSpeed test.

Defer Offscreen Images (Lazy Load)

Smush includes built-in lazy loading. If your page has a bunch of images below the fold, lazy loading will drastically speed up your page by serving only the images being viewed, and delaying others further down the page.

Экономьте время с Smush Configs

Конфигурации позволяют вам сохранять предпочтительные настройки конфигурации Smush и применять их к другим вашим сайтам в несколько кликов. Вы можете создавать неограниченное количество конфигураций.

Here’s What Our Users Are Saying


“Я даже не догадывался, что время загрузки моей страницы было снижено из-за изображений. Этот плагин почти вдове уменьшил время загрузки” — karlcw


“I optimise my photos in Photoshop, but Smush makes it so easy — it does it automatically. I can just sit back and enjoy the speed.” — helen432


“Smush помог мне уменьшить общий размер файлов на моём сайте и увеличить скорость просмотра. Отличная работа, ребята!” — pdci


«Он очень дискретный и не беспокоит меня ключом API или другими дополнительными этапами установки. Основная панель плагина дает мне хорошее представление. В целом, это действительно соответствует моим потребностям, и я буду готов перейти на профессиональную версию, если мои потребности изменятся. Я бы порекомендовал его клиентам / друзьям без колебаний. Так держать!» — таркан_

Как насчет Мультисайта?

Smush can be used to optimize all images across your entire network! Use global settings, or configure each site individually.

Smush is super easy to use — no confusing image compression software settings. Smush lets you optimize all images in your library either one at a time, or all together. Plus, configure auto-smush to asynchronously scale and compress some or all of your images as they are being uploaded — it’s incredibly fast.

Чем быстрее загружается ваш сайт, тем больше он понравится Google, Bing, Yahoo и другим поисковым системам. Ваш сайт будет загружаться быстрее и ранжироваться выше.

Бесстыжие плагины (модули)

  • Колибри — Оптимизация скорости страницы
  • SmartCrawl — SEO-оптимизатор
  • Forminator — конструктор форм, опросов и викторин
  • Defender — безопасность, мониторинг и защита от взлома
  • Hustle – всплывающие окна, слайды и подписки по электронной почте
  • Beehive — настраиваемые панели инструментов Google Analytics

Smush can take care of all your image compression needs… all for free!

However, if you’d like fast CDN image delivery, WebP conversion, automatic image resizing, the ability to optimize (or optimise) images up to 256MB, bulk smush optimization for all your images in just one-click, auto-convert PNG to JPEG, the ability to make a copy of your full-sized images (to restore them at any point), you can always take the next step with WP Smush Pro. And get even more with her whole team of WordPress optimization hero friends (security, SEO, performance, support, and maintenance automation) — trusted by thousands of agencies and freelancers offering site maintenance services.


Smush не взаимодействует с конечными пользователями на вашем сайте. Единственный вариант ввода, который есть у Smush, — это подписка на новостную рассылку только для администраторов сайта.

Smush uses a third-party email service (Mailchimp) to send informational emails (opt-in) to the site administrator. The administrator’s email address is sent to Mailchimp and a cookie is set by the service. Only administrator information is collected by Mailchimp.

Smush отправляет изображения на сервера WPMU DEV, чтобы оптимизировать их для использования на сайте. Это включает передачу EXIF данных. Данные EXIF будут либо удалены либо переданы назад в том де виде. Они не сохраняются на серверах WPMU DEV.

Про нас

WPMU DEV — поставщик качественных плагинов, услуг и поддержки WordPress премиум-класса. Узнайте больше здесь:

Не забывайте быть в курсе всего, что касается WordPress, с помощью ресурса номер один в Интернете: блог WPMU DEV

Эй, и ещё кое-что… мы надеемся что вам нравится использовать наши бесплатные предложения также, как нам нравится создавать их для вас!

Контакты и благодарности

Изначально разработан Алексом Дунае на Dialect (, e-mail ‘alex’ собачка ‘dialect dot ca’), 2008-11.

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