
Integration of Yoast wordpress SEO module with mqtranslate module

Integration between the popular Wordpress SEO module by Yoast and mqtranslate plugin (a fork of qtranslate that is updated).
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January 14, 2015
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WordPress Seo Integration is a plugin to integrate the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast plugin and mqTranslate (a fork of qtranslate) to manage the meta fields and sitemaps in a website with different languages.

The plugin is an Alpha version and only has the next features:

  • Administration panel to manage the meta fields filtered by language. The plugin make use of the WordPress SEO functions to measure the quality of SEO of every post in the website.>
  • Build a sitemap with languages. the plugin build a sitemap from the type of post and from the language. For example, it builds an xml sitemap called page-es and other called page-en.

Arbitrary section

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.