
Cloudflare Page Cache for WordPress

WP Cloudflare Cache plugin built for cache html pages on Cloudflare free plan and purge cache only when post or page updated.
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May 11, 2024
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Cloudflare Page Cache for WordPress

WP Cloudflare Cache help you to use Cloudflare full page cache and purge specific page cache on update, new comment added, approved or deleted.

Normally, Cloudflare cache only static content (e.g. CSS, JS and Images) but not cached to HTML pages. So we build this plugin to cache everything and bypass for logged in users and comment author even on Cloudflare free plan.

This plugin specially build for Cloudflare Free Plan but you can also use it on Cloudflare Pro and Enterprise Plans.

Additional Features

  • Automatic purge cache.
  • Очистка кэша только для определенных страниц.
  • Управление кешем HTML-страницы.
  • Никогда не кэшируйте авторизованных пользователей.
  • Очистка кэша при публикации новой записи.
  • Очищать кеш при обновлении записи/страницы.
  • Purge cache for comment added, approved.
  • Очистка кэша домашней страницы, страницы блога для новой записи.
  • Purce cache for custom URLs pages.
  • Очищается кэш только определенных страниц, а не весь кэш.
  • Конечно, доступен на GitHub

Using this plugin you can improve your website performance and SEO by enabling page caching. It’s compatible with every themes and WordPress versions.

This plugin will cache your site’s webpages and static files to the Cloudflare CDN and make speed up your WordPress site on world wide content delivery network.

With more than 200 CDN edge locations provided by Cloudflare, your website will be served from the nearest Cloudflare CDN location. This will reduce your website loading speed time and help to get higher ranking in search results.

How does the plugin work?

This plugin takes full advantage of Cloudflare Free Plan, so you don’t need a buy Cloudflare Pro Plan. But if you like to use features like Cloudflare image optimization, WAF (Web Application Firewall) etc. then you can buy Cloudflare Pro plan to enable those features in your Cloudflare account. Here is a small summary of plugin features.

The free Cloudflare plan allows you to enable a page cache by entering the Cache Everything page rule, greatly improving response times but it’s not support dynamic website update such as WordPress. You can use cache everything page rule but its not bypass logged in user, ajax requests and comments updates. But this plugin make all of this possible.

Features and Advantages

  • Developed to cache HTML pages on Cloudflare Free Plan.
  • Takes full advantage of Cloudflare Cache Everything Page Rule.
  • Automatically purge specific page cache on post/page update.
  • Bypass logged-in users and purge on specific page or post update.
  • Purge cache on new post insert, post edit and moving in draft or trash.
  • Purge parent page cache on new comment added, approved or deleted.
  • Purge homepage, category, tags, blog page on latest post published.
  • Ability to select and customize what you want to cache and what you don’t (plugin settings).
  • Ability to purge only HTML pages of your website rather than purging everything (like css, js, images).
  • Ability to purge entire site cache via clicking on single button. (plugins settings).
  • Ability to purge only latest post cache via clicking on single button. (plugins settings).
  • Ability to exclude custom URLs pages from being cached on individual page/post bases
  • Detailed FAQ section covering all kind of questions (plugin settings – FAQ tab)

Повысьте производительность вашего сайта

Normally Cloudflare purge all entire cache and after that all pages are slow down, because Cloudflare revalidate all webpages cache again for them.

Но этот плагин очищает кэш только определенных страниц. Например, на вашем сайте есть три записи A,B,C и теперь вы обновили страницу A, тогда кэш очистится только для страницы A, а не для B,C и других.

That means your all page are not affect and Cloudflare revalidated only purge page cache. It’s mean your site loaded fast always and its good for better rankings.

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.