
WordPress PayPal Donation

This plugin adds a PayPal donation button to posts and/or theme.
Последние изменения
September 27, 2009
Активные установки

Another small and beautiful plugin. It adds a fully customizable PayPal button to the posts. The only thing you have to do is put [donate] in your post or in your theme. Via the options panel it is fully customizable.

If you want special settings in one post or somewhere else you can set some attributes. For example:



Page Style has been added.

Attributes to customize

email = Your PayPal Account title = The title of the page where you redirect your donators return_url = The URL where the donators are redirectet. cancel_url = The cancel URL. amount = The amount you want to have. ccode = Currency code (USD = United States, EUR = Europe, …) image = The Image of the button.

Customize in post

If you want to customize the button in your post you write: [donate email=»» title=»Donate for me once more» return_url=…]

That’s all!

Customize in theme

It’s nearly as easy as in posts. You write:

Live demo (at the bottom)!

Активные установки
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