
All Products for Woo Subscriptions

Offer your existing products on subscription, with this powerful add-on for Woo Subscriptions.
Последние изменения
June 4, 2024

Add subscription plans to existing products

Are your products consumed regularly, or services requested periodically? Ever wished for a frictionless way to make them available on subscription? All Products is a neat add-on for Woo Subscriptions that lets you:
  • Add optional subscription plans to any Simple or Variable product.
  • Offer discounts as an extra incentive for subscribing.
This add-on requires subscriptions functionality to be enabled on your store. Before purchasing this extension purchase and install Woo Subscriptions.

Add products to existing subscriptions

Want to give customers a quick way to add products to their existing subscriptions? With All Products For Woo Subscriptions, it's possible!

Offer subscription boxes

Looking for a way to offer personalized subscription boxes? All Products For Woo Subscriptions provides a seamless integration between Product Bundles, Composite Products and Woo Subscriptions.

How to get started

  1. Install Woo Subscriptions.
  2. Purchase, download, and install this extension.
  3. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Subscriptions and locate the Subscription Plans section.
  4. Add some Global Subscription Plans and save your Settings.
  5. Optionally, add some categories under Limit to Categories if you only want to offer products from specific categories on subscription. Alternatively, it is possible to define Custom Subscription Plans under the Product Data > Subscriptions tab of individual products.
  6. Sit back and enjoy the extra revenue!
All Products For Woo Subscriptions is only guaranteed to be compatible with: Plugins and payment gateways that declare support for Woo Subscriptions are not automatically compatible with this add-on!
All Products for Woo Subscriptions is compatible with the new Cart and Checkout blocks -- a customizable, conversion-optimized checkout experience available in WooCommerce core.


Need guidance? Check out the comprehensive documentation to learn everything you need to know about the All Products for Woo Subscriptions extension.

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Тысячи плагинов

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