
WooCommerce Country Catalogs — Product Country Restrictions

Restrict or hide WooCommerce products by country, create country catalogs.
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May 21, 2024
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This plugin is the perfect tool for creating Country Catalogs. You can geolocalize your WooCommerce store and offer different products based on the country of the user.

Are you creating a WooCommerce store and you want to restrict products to specific countries?

This plugin lets you sell WooCommerce products to specific countries.

This plugin works with WPML automatically.

Why do I need special country catalogs?

Simple, to make more money 🙂

Sell WooCommerce products with higher prices for the United States, and lower prices for India or developing countries.

Sell your digital products globally and the physical version in your home country.

How does it work?

When you create or edit products, you will have the option to sell the product to a list of countries, or not sell the product to a list of countries.

When a product is available for a country, only users from that country can view the product and buy it. The same thing happens for restricted products.

Restricted products are completely hidden from the blacklisted country. They are removed from the product catalog, product category, product search, etc. The people from the disallowed country can´t see the product at all.

You can use this for a lot of purposes.

Use cases

  • Create country catalogs easily

  • Sell different product categories for each country

  • Sell WooCommerce products with higher prices for the United States, and lower prices for India

  • Offer products with different Attributes, Variations, Pictures, and Prices to different Countries

  • Change product descriptions and titles based on the country of the user

  • Apply the country restrictions to every product

  • This works with Simple Products, Grouped Products, and External Products

  • In the free version there´s no global settings, you need to edit every product manually

  • And more…

Premium features

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Advanced geolocation options: Auto detect country by IP Show country selector in the header and let users view the country catalogs Use the shipping country Use the billing country Allow to use a second geolocation method as a fallback, for example, shipping country + auto detected ip

Restrict by country, continent, subcontinent, and states

Advanced restriction options: Hide products from the shop catalog, category page, search, and product page Show products and disable «add to cart» Show products and disable «add to cart» and hide prices

All product types supported Example. Variable Products = Restrict variable products and individual variations by country.

Hide individual Product Variations by Country Offer a «large size» to Spain, «Small size» to Germany Offer a «physical product» to your home country, and «digital (downloadable)» option to the other countries Offer a print / delivery to your home country, and digital only to other countries Show different variation pictures and product dimensions for different countries

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Hide product categories by Country You have a menu with the categories: Music, Movies, and Apps. You can hide the «Music» catalog for Canada, and show the «Movies» catalog for USA. This will automatically remove the category from the menus, categories list, product pages, etc. You can select if you want to hide the category catalog only or hide category and all products under the category.

Restrict Coupons by Country You can create coupons for specific countries, continents, or regions. I.e. Coupons for Europe, Canada, etc.

Bulk Edit Products by Category You can hide all products under the category «Music» for Canada, and show all products under category «Videos» for USA only.

Global settings page You can apply country restrictions to all products automatically. No need to edit every product manually.

You can hide all products for specific countries, or sell products to specific countries.

You can also hide all variations by attributes for specific countries. For example, make all «size large» available to USA only, this applies to all products at once.

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