
Wa Qrcode

Use Wa QRcode generate to put QR code to you post, page or content area or widget area without editing your theme files
Последние изменения
July 2, 2016
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Wa Qrcode

Use Wa QRcode as shortcode in post content or widget area without editing your theme files

USAGE: Use [qrcode] OR [qrcode content=»Put your content for QR code» size=»80″ alt=»ALT_TEXT» class=»classname»]

shortcode in your post content to show the QR Code without editing your theme files

EXAMPLE: [qrcode] it will qr code of current page url OR [qrcode content=»Put your content for QR code» size=»80″ alt=»ALT_TEXT» class=»classname»]

size = Size is given for the size of QR Code it should be in Pixel

alt = tool tip on Generated QR code => Default Value «Scan the QR Code»

Classname = it will user defined class to Captcha for better css controll

Shadow = true


Place below function in your theme file where you want to display QR code.

‘your custom content’,’size’=>75)) ?>


By using QR code button in Editor

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