
Visual Link Preview

Отображать полностью настраиваемый предварительный просмотр визуальной ссылки для любой внутренней или внешней ссылки.
Последние изменения
March 25, 2024
Активные установки
Visual Link Preview

Easily create a Facebook-like link preview for any link on your website. You can choose the image and text to display and create your very own custom template. The default template can be styled from the settings to match your website.

Some examples of what you could use this for:

  • A call to action for your affiliate links
  • Promote WooCommerce products on your website
  • List sources for your article
  • A weekly posty of interesting websites you’ve found
  • Link to related posts on your own website

It does not require any database lookups, which means even having many of these blocks on a page should not affect performance.

Compatible with both the Classic and Gutenberg Block Editor using shortcodes and blocks.

Need help? Check out our documentation!

This plugin is in active development. Feel free to contact us with any feature requests or ideas.

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.