
Travel Search

Search and Compare major travel websites for cheapest flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation packages in this one-step travel search engine.
Последние изменения
March 27, 2017
Активные установки
Travel Search

Travel Search by ©Travelgrove provides a one-step travel search engine, that allows your users to search and compare flights, hotels, car rentals and vacation packages from a large scale of providers, including the biggest US travel companies, travel agents, aggregators and special negotiators.

Using this WordPress Travel plugin, you can create, customize and add travel search boxes anywhere on your sites, thus generating commissions with Travelgrove’s Affiliate program (registration needed).

What the «Travel Search» plugin can offer:

  • to the visitors of your site: a travel search box helping them find the best rates for their travel needs.
  • to you: a new source of income and added value to your travel-related website.
  • to Travelgrove affiliates: an easy way to implement a travel search box.
  • to us (Travelgrove): to guarantee more visibility to our travel partners.

Online Demo

See the Travel Search boxes in action on the plugin’s official page here.

Start earning money with Travelgrove today

Install the plugin, register to Travelgrove and start earning money today by blogging about your favorite travel deals or travel destinations, discount cheap flights you find on the net or bargain hotel room rates. Tell your fellow travelers where and when to travel, and provide our box as the searching platform, thus making everyone satisfied.

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.